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How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

How Can I Stop Procrastinating?

It is easy to dismiss serial procrastinators as lazy or disorganised, but there could be a more significant cause behind this habit that keeps people coming back to it again and again....

Friendships And Mental Health: How Can They Help Your Mental Health?

Friendships And Mental Health: How Can They Help?

Friendships and mental health are carefully intertwined. From a young age, many of us begin to understand the value of friendship. In this article, we look at why friendships are so important for us, the side effects of loneliness, how to make friends as an adult, and the neurochemicals involved in forming relationships with others....

Combating Loneliness As A New Parent

Combating Loneliness As A New Parent

While feelings of loneliness are common in new parents, brushing them under the carpet can lead to poorer mental health. We explain why new parents may feel lonely, and what to do in order to combat loneliness. ...

Improve Your Mindfulness With These 5 Easy Tips

Improve Your Mindfulness With These 5 Easy Tips

Mindfulness can be practised in a variety of different ways, and what may work for one person might not work for another. If you are planning to improve your mindfulness, try some of our recommended exercises to see what works for you....

How To Cut Down On Alcohol – 7 Practical Tips

How To Cut Down On Alcohol – 7 Practical Tips

If you are worried that you are consuming too much alcohol, then you probably are. Reducing your dependency can take time, but there are many helpful things that you can do on your own or with the support of others in order to cut down. With the right lifestyle changes and support network, there is a good outlook for those working towards reduced drinking or even an alcohol-free life....

How To Feel Happier In 5 Minutes Flat

How To Feel Happier In 5 Minutes Flat

There is a saying that goes, ‘happiness is not a destination, it’s a journey’. This does not mean that you have to be happy all the time – the journey comes with highs and lows – but, instead of treating happiness as something that you will achieve one day in the future, view it as an emotion that you can feel whenever you want to, with only a tiny amount of effort. In this blog post we take a look at how to feel happier in five minutes flat....

How To Support My Child’s Mental Health

How To Support My Child’s Mental Health

According to an NHS Digital survey, children’s mental health has not improved since 2020, when the first lockdown of the COVID-19 pandemic was imposed in the UK. Probable mental health disorders in 6 to 16 year olds and 17 to 19 year olds have increased by 11.6% and 17.4% respectively since 2017, with rates in both age groups remaining the same between 2020 and 2021. As a parent or carer, there are things you can do to make this difficult time easier for your child(ren) in order to help support their mental health, such as creating opportunities to communicate their worries, engaging them in routine and being aware of the signs of depression and other mental health disorders. We explain more. ...

How To Say ‘No’ – And How It Can Help Your Mental Health

How To Say ‘No’ – And How It Can Help Your Mental Health

There are many reasons why we automatically say ‘yes’ in response to a social invitation: fear of missing out (FOMO); obligations to friends or family; pressure to keep up appearances; fear of being alone with oneself. Whatever the reason, this need to say ‘yes’ could be doing more harm than good to your mental health. In this article, we look at why we find it so hard to say ‘no’, the benefits of focusing on yourself, and even how to say ‘no’ when you find it tough to do so....

How To Use Self Care To Improve Your Mental Health – It’s Not All Blow-Dries & Spa Days

The words ‘self care’ are bandied around a lot these days, so much so that it has become one of the latest buzzwords in the media. However, while much of the coverage surrounding self care links to bubble baths, blow-dries and spa days – activities that may bring physical and mental relaxation in the short term – there is much to be said for exercises that target mental health with the aim of improving wellbeing in the long term. Learn how you can engage in self care to really benefit your mental wellbeing....

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